Unprecedented Precision In Timing Networks With TrueTime™

Migrating towards a future-proof sync architecture

ADVA has introduced a new method to provide highly precise timing for networks. This technology is based on ADVA's Oscilloquartz technology and will be important for applications such as 5G and smart grid. This new solution uses an optimized optical timing channel (OTC) to accurately synchronize from the core of the network to the edge. It achieves nanosecond timing by combining ePRTC core clocks and ultra-precise boundary clocks. The method is more robust and accurate than other solutions, which helps mitigate the risk of GNSS vulnerabilities. Additionally, the OTC enables service providers to simplify network management and reduce costs by reducing the number of PRTC core clocks and GNSS equipment in greenfield deployments.

ADVA's OTC provides a new level of accurate and resilient synchronization for challenging applications. It uses a two-way channel to deliver both SyncE and PTP traffic and is ensured by PRTC/ePRTC core clocks with OSA 5430/40 and OSA 3230/3350 cesium atomic clocks. OTC can handle asymmetric delay with closely spaced out-of-band wavelengths and leaves other channels open for customer traffic. ADVA's Ensemble Controller and Ensemble Sync Director management system with Syncjack™ monitoring technology control every aspect of the network synchronization solution. OTC is the only end-to-end solution that combines timing, transport, and assurance technology. It is also a fully integrated synchronization overlay solution that allows operators to take advantage of rapid innovation cycles and protect their investment.

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If you'd like more information, call us on 1800 COVERTEL (1800 268 378) or contact us here.

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