Webinar: The importance of VPN Testing

Enterprise VPN Testing Webinar Cover

Thursday, February 18th
3:00pm AEDT
Register for the upcoming webinar The importance of Enterprise VPN Testing

Organisations worldwide have undergone unprecedented remote working transitions. Scaling their remote workforce has led to a 41% increase in global VPN demand, but it has also brought about challenges. VPN oversubscription is a leading cause of network disruption for employees during this time.

This webinar discusses the importance of Enterprise VPN Testing and introduces VIAVI full VPN Management Solution for each phase of the VPN lifecycle. This solution helps address the unforeseen challenges that come from expanding your remote workforce at an unprecedented scale and rate.

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Why Should Businesses test their VPN?

Businesses should test their VPN to make sure that it can handle the increased traffic from remote workers and to ensure network security. Performance testing can help them avoid oversubscription and ensure a good quality of experience for employees. With remote work becoming the new normal, businesses need to continually monitor and assess their VPN's performance to maintain a productive and efficient workforce. This is important to prevent network outages, frozen calls, and other issues that can negatively impact employee productivity.

How can businesses test their VPN?

VIAVI has launched a VPN Management Solution to help businesses ensure that their VPN service can support a remote workforce. The solution includes two tools: TeraVM and Observer Platform. TeraVM tests the VPN headend under operational conditions, simulating hundreds or thousands of employees dialing into the network. The Observer Platform provides immediate end-user experience scoring and identifies any performance issues like throughput, latency, and packet loss. With the VPN Management Solution, businesses can evaluate their VPN's performance before deploying it, detect any issues early on, and fix them quickly.

Watch the video below to learn more.

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