OTDR SFP Transceivers
Net2Edge Certified iSFPs/SFP+
Net2Edge Certified iSFP/SFP+ OTDR SFP Transceivers
Fibre Small Form Pluggable Transceivers with Built-in Micro OTDR
Net2Edge provides advanced optical solutions through Intelligent Optical Transceivers (iSFP/iSFP+). The portfolio includes an iSFP with integrated Micro-OTDR (uOTDR™) that automatically Detects, Locates and Reports Optical Fibre Faults.
The integration of a Micro-OTDR into an SFP greatly reduces Network Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR) by Identifying the Cable Fault location without having to send a technician with a field OTDR, and brings CAPEX and OPEX savings.
The Single Fibre SFP with Built-in Micro-OTDR transmits and receives at the same wavelength, doubling the optical fibre plant capacity. Upon disruption of data link, or failure to
connect, the unit switches into uOTDR Mode, emitting optical power pulses (>+13 dBm) and detecting the reflected pulses at least down to -42 dBm optical power.
The Dual Fibre, full duplex SFP woth Built-in Mocro-OTDR transmits and receives full duplex data over conventional two-fibre optical communication links. Upon disruption of the data
link, or failure to connect, the Transmitter Section of the SFP unit switches into TxOTDR™ Mode, emitting optical power pulses (> +13 dBm) and detecting the reflected pulses at least down to -52 dBm optical power.
The iDFC™ Series SFP Transceivers transmit and receive full duplex data over conventional two-fibre optical communication links. Upon disruption of the data link, or failure to connect, the Transmitter Section of the SFP unit switches into TxOTDR™ Mode, emitting optical power pulses (> +10 dBm) and detecting the reflected pulses at least down to -50 dBm optical power.
Net2Edge provides a range of certified SFP Transceivers integrated with Micro-OTDR
Key Features and Benefits:
- Integral Micro-OTDR SFP Transceiver
- Physical Layer Fault Detection
- Distributed Remote Fibre Monitoring
- No Additional Special Equipment
- Eliminates Fault Detection Delay
- Automatically Transitions to Micro-OTDR Mode
- Operates Anywhere Conventional SFPs
- Low power dissipation <1.5W
- Available operating temperature range: -20°C to 85°C