Is your VoLTE a “sound” investment?

VoLTE Total Service Assurance

To ensure your VoLTE voice service is successful, don’t manage as “just another LTE data service”

VoLTE has the potential to deliver major benefits to both subscribers and operators – better voice experience for the subscriber and lower network costs for the operator. However, if not implemented properly, the opposite can be the case. The difference comes down to recognizing that VoLTE is more than “just another LTE data service” and implementing workflows that assure all aspects of the VoLTE service implementation and experience.

Watch this short video to learn about the Viavi VoLTE Assurance portfolio which:

  • Assures VoLTE services end-to-end across the radio access, backhaul, and core networks
  • Analyzes VoLTE voice experience across key dimensions such as location and device
  • Quantifies and diagnoses unnecessary VoLTE fall-backs to 2G and 3G networks

If you’d like more information, please call us on 1800 COVERTEL (1800 268 378) or contact us here.

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